creating better lives


Since our inception in 1987, we have successfully executed projects in key areas of the cotton belt – Ganganagar in Rajasthan, Unali in Gujarat, Panjra Lodhi, Chopda, Yavatmal, Wardha, Babhulgaon in Maharashtra, Raichur in Karnataka. We have made a difference in the lives of over 15,000 farmers.

Farmer Testimonials

“We encounter a number of challenges while farming and at the same time there is a wealth of experience and learnings that we have. We share our learnings through the COTAAP platform with other farmer members. We share the specific practices and experiments that worked in increasing the yield of our crop. We have noticed that when we share our knowledge with other small and marginal farmers it has led to increase in yield in their crop too”
Ambadas Patil
“I enrolled into COTAAP 3 years ago and within a year, I was felicitated as my yield has increased substantially. I was able to produce 30 quintals of cotton on my 2 acre land. I was given a certificate of appreciation. I felt extremely proud. I am a small farmer and I was recognised amongst others and I am indebted to COTAAP. I feel more and more farmers will enroll into COTAAP and will collectively progress”
Bhanudas Narayan Patil
“We used to have various problems while selling our produce but now because of COTAAP, we understand the rate that we will be able to get and also the demand for our crop in the market. It also helps us understand after how many days of harvesting we should sell our produce to get the best price. We used to test our soil even before but after being in touch with COTAAP we have understood after interacting with agri-experts and scientists how we can retain the quality of our soil not only for the current crop but also for the coming seasons too. Hence the land that we have inherited, we are able to pass on to our children with good condition.”
Dattatray Chaudhari

Our Success Stories

Chopda Story

Chopda is one of our most successful centres. It is a humble tehsil in Jalgaon district constituted by 111 villages. COTAAP Centre in Chopda was established in 2005 with the help of local partners who were aware of the challenges in cotton farming and were willing to act on it. Till date COTAAP has touched the lives of over 14,000 farmers in Chopda and contributed to their lives by helping them significantly increase their yield.

In the 12 years of our presence in Chopda, we have executed several projects covering over 14,000 farmers and clearly increasing the average yield per hectare for participating farmers.

Some of the key projects

  1. Clean Cotton Harvest

This initiative was undertaken to ensure supply of cleaner cotton to the textile industry. Cotton storage bags were provided to the farmers who were made aware of how to use these appropriately in order to ensure contaminant-free cotton.

  1. Soil Testing

COTAAP helped farmers understand the condition of their soil by conducting soil tests and helping them interpret the results. They were also trained on how to improve their soil condition.

  1. Precision Input Management

COTAAP successfully promoted the use of bio-fertilizers, bio-pesticides and other eco-friendly practices.

  1. Education and Training
  • COTAAP Online: This is a free SMS service that gives daily updates on market rates, weather forecasts, pest & disease alerts along with recommendations.
  • News & Information Boards: COTAAP had installed boards at bus stands which provided updates similar to COTAAP Online.
  • Farmer Co-ordination Committee (FCC): This is a forum for farmers to interact, discuss challenges and share learnings.
  • Seminars: COTAAP organizes pre-sowing and post-harvest seminars to update farmers about the latest agricultural technologies and practices.
  1. Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs) – High Density Planting
  • Farmers were encouraged to increase the number of plants per hectare to obtain a maximum number of bolls.  This led to an increase in yield by 30% and reduction in cost of cultivation by 15%.
  • Bamboo Staking: Lower branches of cotton get contaminated which results in boll drop. Poor penetration of sunlight also leads to increase in diseases & pests. Bamboo staking FLDs helped counter these problems.
  1. Extension Services
  • Farm Mechanization: COTAAP has set up farm implement facilitation centres which provide farmers with advanced agricultural implements at nominal rents. This initiative has especially benefited marginal farmers who could not afford to buy these implements outright.
  • Pink Bollworm Awareness: COTAAP helped farmers tackle the outbreak of Pink Bollworm. Precautionary sprays, pheromone traps and sticky tapes were provided to minimize losses.
  1. Techniques for improvement in agriculture
  1. Reduction in sowing of cotton varieties: Sowing numerous different varieties of cotton, increases the risk of crop diseases and pests, thus making crop management difficult. This leads to variation in quality making it also cumbersome for the textile industry to manage. COTAAP advised farmers   to reduce the number of cotton varieties sown from 250 to less than 40, thereby standardizing quality for the buyers and also ensuring better and more profitable crop management.
  2. Introduction of Extra Long Staple cotton (ELS): COTAAP introduced the ELS variety called Mahyco-Bahubali which is a good substitute for imported cotton. As a result of this, farmers fetched a substantial premium of Rs. 800 to 1200 per quintal
  3. Dissemination of BT Technology: COTAAP played a significant role in rapidly disseminating BT Technology in Chopda. Within 2 years of its introduction, about 90% of the farmers had successfully adopted this technology.
  4. Introduction of Non-BT CICR variety: The seed is one of the most expensive inputs in cotton cultivation. With support from CICR, COTAAP demonstrated that the seed produced from the ‘Suraj’ variety can be reused for sowing thereby saving costs for the farmers.
  5. Public Private Partnership (PPP): The World Economic Forum and the Government of Maharashtra formed a PPP wherein COTAAP participated as an extension provider for cotton. The Govt. of Maharashtra & CAI provided financial support, MAHYCO provided seeds at a subsidized rate and Arvind Mills bought the produce, all leading to a good boost for the farmers.

Our Success Stories

Yavatmal Story

Water and Soil Conservation Project – Yavatmal

Our recent project is in drought prone villages – Dhangarwadi, Mendhala in Yavatmal district and Waigaon in Wardha district in Maharashtra. Spread over approximately 300 hectares collectively, farmers are primarily Cotton growers. COTAAP has initiated a water and soil conservation project in this village.  Our primary  objective is to increase the groundwater table of the region.

During monsoons, rain water runs through the farm lands taking with it the top soil. If left unchecked or unguided, this leads to soil erosion. Also the water is not conserved or retained in farm lands leading to wastage

Farmers of Yavatmal used to employ rudimentary methods to  arrest soil erosion and to conserve rain water in their farms. They would create makeshift bunds on the boundaries of their farms to hold the water. However if the rainfall was higher than expected then they would have to break these bunds to drain the water  and avoid  flooding. On breaking the bunds, the water would run un-conserved  and haphazardly through the farms. In addition, it would also take with it the top soil  which has the maximum nutrients. Erosion of the soil’s top layer substantially reduces the land’s nutrient value,  thereby negatively impacting  the productivity of the crop.

COTAAP introduced a 3 pronged solution with the objective of increasing the ground water table and arresting soil erosion. This solution includes 1. A flexible pipe  2. Smart Bunds 3. A Recharge Pit

  1. A Flexible Pipe

A flexible pipe is inserted in the bund like shown in the picture above. When the level of the water is above required levels, the flexible pipe is turned down wards to drain the water. Vice Versa, when it is needed to hold the water in the farm land, the pipe is turned upwards. Also if water is held in the farms for about 4 to 5 hours, it allows the silt to settle  in the ground. Also, holding the water for that period does not damage the crops in any way.

  1. Smart Bund

Smart Bunds are designed to overcome the limitations of rudimentary bunds. Smart bunds are designed to be stronger. Plants are grown on top of these bunds to give them strength and also arrest / hold soil erosion. Flexible curve pipes are fitted inside these smart bunds. To ensure that the water that runs out when the flexible curve pipe is turned downwards, trenches are built  next to the bunds. Water is accumulated in these trenches and seeps through the ground and thereby increases the ground water table.

  1. Recharge Pit
    A recharge pit is  constructed on the farm land  at a location such that the water is guided through the smart bunds into the recharge pit.

As a result of this 3 pronged solution (Flexible Pipes, Smart Bunds & Recharge Pits)  the rain water is held in the farms adequately so that the silt settles in the farm itself, maintaining the nutrient value of the soil.  Also the The excessive water is led to the recharge pits. The additional silt if carried away with the rain water is filtered at the mouth of the recharge pit with the help of the silt filtration T. Water accumulated in the pit seeps into the ground thereby increasing the ground water table.

COTAAP has successfully completed 75 hectares of farm land in Dhangarwadi. We will now start the adjoining village to Dhangarwadi which is Mendala. Mendala is spread over 500 hectares.

Cotton Champion Girls

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